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They are a small army, protected by a mask that most of the time is not enough to protect them, they have the tired pace of those who have spent hundreds of grueling rounds fighting against an invisible enemy and therefore even more dangerous.We do not know all their faces, we are used to reading about them in the newspapers and sometimes it is difficult to remember their names, but it is right to do it so that when one day, which we hope for near, you will find a cure or a vaccine, their names and their sacrifice remains. We only name a few, Dr. Annalisa Malara, an anesthesiologist from the Codogno hospital, who first understood that what kept Mattia, patient 1, suspended between life and death was precisely the coronavirus, that killer as aesthetically perfect as deadly, which has changed the lives of every inhabitant of our planet.

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Dopo aver pubblicato un numero speciale dedicato a Milano come messaggio per l’Italia e per tutto il mondo, vogliamo continuare a trasmettere un appello di speranza, di coraggio e soprattutto di gratitudine nei confronti di chi sta combattendo questa lotta globale contro il virus Covid-19. Il nuovo numero, in edicola da mercoledì 25 marzo per due settimane, è TUTTO DEDICATO A CHI STA LOTTANDO IN PRIMA LINEA, anteponendo il bene comune perfino alla propria vita. «Medici, infermieri, farmacisti, impiegati, operai e volontari: non chiamateli eroi, perché loro stessi non vogliono essere definiti così», scrive il direttore @marchettisimone: «Sono professionisti con un senso del dovere incredibile, lavoratori all’estremo delle forze e delle possibilità. E lo stanno facendo per tutti noi». #IOCISONO, recita la copertina, la nostra copertina più importante di tutte: protagonista Caterina Conti, pneumologa, medica in prima linea nell'emergenza sanitaria in Lombardia: è il simbolo delle tante storie italiane raccontate tra le pagine del numero. Abbiamo scelto l’hashtag #IOCISONO, perché l'impegno civile e umano diventa esempio eroico. E #IOCISONO perché vogliamo impegnarci anche noi, per primi, come Vanity Fair e Condé Nast: l'intero ricavato delle vendite in edicola, sarà devoluto all’Ospedale Papa Giovanni XXIII di Bergamo, uno dei più in difficoltà in questo momento ? @marcogarofalophoto

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And then Caterina Conti that Vanity Fair has chosen as the face of all the women doctors engaged on the front, and who with Christian Salaroli, works every day in a desperate attempt to save lives at the Bergamo Hospital, the first to reach the limit of hospitalizations in intensive care, as a demonstration, if ever there was still a need, that this virus “is little more than the flu”. And then the long list of doctors who did not make it and, a beautiful note of hope, the almost 8000 who with an immense act of love for their country, presented their candidacy to join the task force which will work in support of the health structures involved in the fight against covid 19. And then the nurses called to treat but also to console, to reassure. One of many proofs of this are the notes that the health workers of the small hospital of Pavullo in Frignano area write to patients with hearing impairments so that they are not confined to a situation of total isolation and solitude. To all these heroes of such a difficult time, Vanity Fair, dedicates the issue on newsstands from March 25, the proceeds of which will be entirely donated to the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo. On the cover of this issue, which will remain available for the next two weeks, Caterina Conti, pneumologist, engaged on the front line at the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, one of the cities that paid the biggest price for this disease. Today Caterina with #iocisono is the face of all the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, employees, workers and volunteers who every day, just for love and dedication continue to fight and not to give up. ” For us today all these men and all these women become the reflection of a strong and hopeful Italy“, said Vanity director Simone Marchetti. All that remains is to fight, together we will make it.

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