Gaonnuri, which in Korean means the Center of the World, is located in the heart of New York City. A city that represents the intersection of the best cuisines and the most eclectic and innovative cultures.
In its dishes, all the sophistication of Seoul cuisine, with beef tartare marinated in sesame oil and soy sauce, seafood and shallot pancakes, braised ribs, and cod stew in spicy sauce.
The lounge bar offers spectacular views of the Empire State Building features a good wine list in addition to the classic soju.
Desserts are also a real rarity in a Korean restaurant. Sun Geum Kim, Master Pastry Chef, will captivate you with his “Snickers bar” with peanut creams and an excellent Alaska flambé, lit at the table.
1250 Broadway (39th Floor)
New York, NY 10001
Entrance at 32nd Street